The Influence Of Strategic Orientation And Company Reputation Toward The Performance Of Regional Water Company (Pdam) In Indonesia


Shohibul Imam , Imas Soemaryani , Yuyus Suryana ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 18-24 | Views: 338 | Downloads: 96 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463889

Volume 5 - February 2016 (02)


Water is a vital requirement for human beings and so far the task of providing clean water is responsible by the Regional Water Company (PDAM). Currently, based on several resources, the performance of PDAM is far from expectation. Therefore, to improve the performance of Regional Water Company (PDAM) is also vital. Based on several research on strategic management, there are several factors that might effect the business performance, such as company resources, partnerships and strategic orientation. The purpose of this study is to analyze and verify the influence of strategic orientation and company reputation towards the performance of PDAM. The data collected will be analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS) and hopefully the conclusion to this research may be used as a guidance to formulate strategic orientation for PDAM to improve the performance based on their strategic orientation and company reputation. Based on this research, PDAM will continue to give contribution on developing the strategic management in the future


Strategic Orientation, Company Reputation, Company Performance


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