Airline Customer Retention in Indonesia 2015


Juliater Simarmata , Yuyus Suryana , Umi Kaltum , Yevis Marty Oesman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 41-53 | Views: 394 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463897

Volume 5 - February 2016 (02)


The increasing social class population and the need for rapid transportation have led to increased competition in the airline industry in Indonesia. Competitors in the airlines industry are changing their strategies with the new ones, such as intensive marketing, advertising and promotion, as well as law cost carriers’ strategy to get more passengers. The airline companies that can attract and retain customers in this highly competitive and increasingly saturated market stand poised to make considerable gains, and thus customer retention is an important field of study in this mature market. The objective of this research is to examine the direct relationship of Customer Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Brand, Performance of Service Delivery, and Switching Barrier on Customer Retention in Indonesia airline companies. A survey was conducted on domestic airline passengers and analysed by OLS Method. This research confirms the significant relationship of Customer Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Brand, Performance of Service Delivery, Switching Barrier with Customer Retention in Indonesian Airlines. 


Customer Retention, Customer Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Brand, Performance of Service Delivery, Switching Barrier, Airlines.


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