The Effects of Budgets in the Implementation of Operational Activities in Private and Public Corporations.


Muhammad Zubair Saeed , Abdul Amid Aziz Jalloh , Jun Yang ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-20 | Views: 342 | Downloads: 94 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463909

Volume 5 - March 2016 (03)


The implementation of operational activities in private and public corporations is quite a critical endeavour and pose several challenges particularly when such corporations are clustered with intense competitive establishments. Considering the criticalities surrounding the implementation process, this study seeks to examine the effects of budgets in the implementation of operational activities in private and public corporations. The thrust for this qualitative research led to the retrieval of secondary information from sources published on the subject matter and other relevant facts that constitute the significance of the study. Analysis drawn from reviewed literatures established the relevance of accurate forecasting and planning in order to inaugurate strategic focus in the implementation process. Further critical examination disclosed the relevance of sub budgets that constitute a master budget which aid the implementation of operational activities such as human resource, finance, marketing and production/operations. In factual, budgets have positive effects in the implementation of activities in private and public corporations. This study is noteworthy to managers of operations, heads of corporations and also to chartered accountants as such study could aid them towards effective and efficient performance of their duties. So while we set the strategic budget we need to consult it all relevant departments also to fulfil its future needs to get efficient and effective outcomes. 


 Budgets, Operational Activities, Implementation, Private and Public Corporations 


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