Balkan Countries Financial Markets Analysis and Economic Development Performance.
Msc. Luan VARDARI , Dr. Bekim BERISHA ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 53-58 | Views: 363 | Downloads: 92 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463933
The fact of globalization, improvements in efficiency of intermediary services and activities, transactions that can be done in electronic environment and stocks that quoted on more than one stock exchange markets led to close integration process. These developments contribute to financial stability and growth. These developments have affected stock exchange markets in Balkan countries as well, and those countries tried to cope with globalized world. Recent developments and integration in Balkan countries had positive impact on this harmony. Moreover, financial integration leads to structural changes in economy. With the increase in the integration level of Balkan countries, they become more sensitive to global developments, because risks became more easily spreadable, bigger and diverse. Uncertainty or growing risks in a market become easily spreadable to other markets and the changes in the prices. In this study, the data which was collected from Balkan stock exchange markets and financial markets were analyzed and results were compared with ISE. In addition to that, financial integration is analyzed and relationships of stock exchange markets are identified
legal decision making, case predictions, confidence judgments, metacognitive realism
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