The Role of Comprehensive Quality Management in Accessing to Lean Manufacturing Criteria in View of Small and Medium Industry Executives.


Kmaleddin Rahmani , Davoud Tarverdizadeh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-11 | Views: 347 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464720

Volume 5 - April 2016 (04)


Comprehensive Quality Management is a system that has been emphasized on improving the quality of products and services through the improvement of human resources, processes and equipment and in parallel to reduce the cost of operational field. On the other hand, lean manufacturing, a philosophy and a new attitude to the product, which in this attitude, try to minimize waste and maximize efficiency of facilities, human resources and investment to be achieved. This study investigated the relationship between the components of a comprehensive quality management with lean manufacturing. The study included descriptive - correlation respectively. The statistical population consisted of 285 experts, managers and supervisors of small and medium manufacturing industries of Ardabil province that 134 of them were selected as sample using Morgan table. Research findings were studied using SPSS software and statistical tests Smironov - Kolmogorov and Spearman correlation. The results showed that there is significant relationship between comprehensive quality management variables with lean manufacturing. As well as there is significant relationship was observed between the components of inclusive quality management (top management leadership, support and strategic planning, customer focus, employee training, employee empowerment and teamwork, measurement and quality analysis, quality assurance and outcomes improve quality and productivity) and production lean. Overall effective step is an essential factor that can be an important to achieve lean manufacturing implementation of inclusive quality management in small and medium manufacturing industry


comprehensive quality management, Lean manufacturing, Small and medium industries, Managers


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