Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Skills, Entrepreneurial Orientation, And Information Technology To Entrepreneurship Intention: Cases In Indonesia.
Dr. Singgih Santoso , Budi Sutedjo Dharma Oetomo ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 25-32 | Views: 348 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464726
In Indonesia, a big and fast developing country in South-East Asia, entrepreneurship now have a good momentum to attract many young people to be an entrepreneur after they graduates. Research problem is to test whether self-efficacy, entrepreneurial attitude orientation, and the impact of information technology has a positive and significant effect on the interest of students to become entrepreneurs after they graduate later. With survey research design and multiple regression statistical methods, research result show that self-efficacy doesn’t influence entrepreneurship intention, but two others independent variables, i.e. entrepreneurship orientation and information technology, do influence entrepreneurship intention
self-efficacy, entrepreneurial orientation, information technology, entrepreneurship intention
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