A Framework for Implementing Cloud CRM System at Five Stars Al-Madina


Dr.Amin A.Shaqrah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 33-39 | Views: 294 | Downloads: 89 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464728

Volume 5 - April 2016 (04)


Cloud customer relationship management (CRM) has become a hot topic amongst applications and researchers; researcher pays more attentions to cloud computing application in customer relationship management (CRM) field. This study provides a conceptual framework to assist decision makers in determining and implementing factors influencing on cloud CRM implementation at five stars hotels in Almadina Almunawarah. For testing proposed model researcher utilize questionnaire instrument to collect and analyze appropriate data. Then to validate data researcher use advanced statistical techniques e.g. factor loading; correlation; standardized regression coefficients to observe fitness of the proposed model. Last section researcher suggests an additional state of the art cloud CRM challenges. The findings of the study indicate that security, vendor management, customization, ease of use, and IT staff skills play an especially critical role in success implementation of cloud CRM at these Hotels. It was also determined that the most important challenges to hotels sector are: lack of senior management awareness of cloud technology, availability, and reliability, security and privacy, limited scope for customization, IT staff skills, vendor management, cloud transition and execution, and the lack of cultural readiness. 


Cloud computing; CRM; Implementation model; Five stars Hotel


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