The Concept of Ideal Strategy and Its Realization Using White Ocean Mixed Strategy


Dr. P. S. Aithal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 171-179 | Views: 367 | Downloads: 97 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464749

Volume 5 - April 2016 (04)


Strategic planning and decision making has an important role in organizational development and sustainability. Various types of strategies are used in strategic management such as Red ocean strategy, Blue ocean strategy, Green ocean strategy, Purple ocean strategy and Black ocean strategy. These strategies are used in organizations by top level executive managers for long term organizational sustainability and to face or deviate from the competition. Based on organizational analysis, it is observed that many of the organizations use a new type of strategy which is derived from the above five types of strategies for sustainability. In this paper we have generalized such strategies by developing a concept of ideal strategy and named it as "White Ocean Strategy". Based on observation and focus group study we developed this concept and studied the conditions, characteristics and procedure of this model of decision making. We have studied the reasons why certain firms opt for White ocean strategy while making decisions for sustainability and consequences of such strategic decisions through investment/perceived Risk Matrix. We have also compared the different strategic choices with that of White ocean strategy. The details and consequences of such strategy followed in some organizations are also discussed.


Ideal Strategy, Red ocean strategy, Blue ocean strategy, Black ocean strategy, White ocean strategy, Comparison of different strategies, Characteristics of White ocean strategy. 


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