The Factors Affecting on workforce planning in Saudi Universities.


alsubaie falah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 49-69 | Views: 371 | Downloads: 122 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464789

Volume 5 - June 2016 (06)


The study aimed to identify the level of workforce planning in the Saudi public universities operating in the city of Riyadh and determine the impact of some of independent variables represented in: clarity of objectives, the organizational structure, the technical development, the financial situation, the policies of development of human resources, and so on workforce planning process in those universities. It also aimed to determine the statistical differences in work force planning procedures according to some demographic factors. To achieve objectives of the study and verification of its Presumptions, an exploratory study was made involving 47 factors for the study society, which was limited to those who work in the higher and medium levels of management in Saudi Arabia universities in Riyadh, totaling 1765 employees. The study sample consisted of 322 single sample and the random sample was used. The study found that the applying level of all the factors affecting the workforce planning process was done with high degree in Saudi universities, while it was found that planning procedures of the workforce are moderately. There are positive and significant statistical relationships between all independent variables and the dependent variable. At the level of the study hypotheses, it has been proven that basic hypotheses showed the positive impact of all independent variables: Clarity of objectives, organizational structure, technical development, financial situation and politics of development of human resources on the labor force planning process in these universities. It showed also the absence of statistical differences in the responses of sample study on work force planning procedures for any of the demographic factors that have been tested. The study finally recommended a set of recommendations that promote and encourage the application of work force planning procedures in all Saudi universities. 


workforce planning, Saudi Universities.


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