The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Performance and Productivity
Mohammed Raja Abulraheem Salah ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 36-70 | Views: 408 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464807
The Success or failure of modern business organizations depends on the quality of their human resources. Well trained and highly developed employees are considered as corner stone for such success. Hence the purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between training , development, training and development and employees performance and productivity in selected Jordanian Private Sector transportation companies located in the Southern region of Jordan. The study was based on set of hypotheses that HOs: hypothesized no relationships between variables, while H1-H6 hypothesized the existence of relationships between stated variables. A quantitative approach is used Relevant data was collected through structured questionnaire. Subjects for the study consisted of 254 employees which constituted 60% of the total target population of 420 people. 254 structured questionnaire were distributed to employees on job location, 212 questionnaires were returned and only 188 were suitable for statistical analysis. SPSS version 16 has been used to for data analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The statistical tools were aligned with the objective of the research. For this purpose, frequency tables, percentages, means and standard deviations were computed and substantively interpreted. Inferential statistics like Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) and linear regression were used to determine if there is a significant positive relationship existed between the independent variables (training and development) and dependent variables (performance and productivity). The findings indicated that training and development were positively correlated and claimed statistically significant relationship with employee performance and productivity. Analysis and interpretations were made at 0.05 level of significance. The study concluded that training and development have important impact on employee performance and productivity. Therefore, it was recommended that effective training programs and carefully set development plans should be provided to all employees to enable them to enhance their skills and upgrade their knowledge. Finally, foreseeable future research can be conducted to cover other variables like (capabilities, involvement so on) which might affect performance and productivity.
Training, Development, Employees, Performance, Productivity, Transportation Companies
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