Effect of e-Supply Chain Management on the Business Process of Airline Industry.


Samar Fatima , Zia Ur Rehman , Ali Rehman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 122-124 | Views: 362 | Downloads: 103 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464824

Volume 5 - July 2016 (07)


This research aims to cover topic of e-Supply chain management (SCM) from the passengers prospective. E-supply chain makes the process easy and it helped to save time. This research focuses on the major airlines of the Pakistan and will try to cover, weather passengers are enjoying the e-supply chain or self-service technologies or not? Are the passengers satisfied with this e-supply chain or not? Primary data have been collected with the help of survey and questionnaire from the customers of different airlines of Pakistan on domestic and international flights. 


e-Supply Chain Management, Airline, Survey Analysis 


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