Synchronous and Asynchronous Information and Communication Technology Tools: An Effective Delivery for Distance Learning Education in a Cloud Computing In Nigeria.
clementina anatsui , Okworo, Gibson Samuel ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 47-55 | Views: 387 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464852
With the much cry for adequate effective delivery system for distance learning education in Nigeria. Synchronous and asynchronous information technology (IT) media if integrated fully into the programme according to the study might go along way for the needed delivery system. Synchronous tools allow for facilities, participants to chat at the same time and speed at different locations. While asynchronous allows for chatting from facilitators at the same time but participants can received their lesson at their own time. The school without a wall syndrome can be removed by the introduction of synchronous and asynchronous (IT) media tools. Cloud computing offers whole lots of opportunities for the use of internet. Its enormous benefits for distance learners lie also on the credibility of their certificate. Based on the finding, appropriate recommendations were made.
Synchronous, Asynchronous, Information Technology, Distance Learning, Cloud Computing.
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