Job Satisfaction and Employees Productivity of Nigerian oil and Gas Servicing Companies
Ariguzo, Vivian Adaobi , Amos, Nneoma Benita , Egwuonwu, T. K. , Atat, Mfon A. ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 156-164 | Views: 800 | Downloads: 235 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3702081
The study sought to investigate the effect of job satisfaction on employees’ productivity in selected oil and gas servicing companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Despite the perception of the oil sector is the mainstream of income to foreign reserve, and generating highly satisfying source of employment to the populace, a steady decline in the performance of the sector has been observed, leading to the collapse of various oil and gas servicing companies, massive retrenchment of workers, non-payment of salaries, inflation, high cost of living, and high exchange rate. A cross-sectional survey of 421 employees was carried out using a validated instrument and achieved an 83% response rate. The findings showed that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employees’ productivity of the selected oil and gas firms in Lagos state, Nigeria. The study therefore recommends that oil and gas firms must continue to strive to keep workers satisfied through improved pay, better working conditions, job security in order to enhance employees’ productivity
Job Satisfaction, Employees Productivity
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