Legislation, policies and organization of community based centers for HIV diagnosis and prevention in Piedmont Region.
Valerio Brescia , Vania Tradori , Paolo Pietro Biancone , Silvana Secinaro ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 17-27 | Views: 1431 | Downloads: 383 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473817
The article describes how the fight against AIDS is tackled, from an organizational and legislative point of view, especially with regard to HIV test offer to as many people as possible, with a focus on people with higher at-risk behaviors, in order to reduce the cases of immunodeficiency and unawareness of the serological state. The community-based services and the implementing policies of Piedmont Region answer to the need for integration already offered by the Regional Health Service. The features and results confirmed by a pilot project can be a useful reference for the activation of integrated services on the territory.
HIV, community-based, legislation, and organization of diagnosis centers.
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i. Management of Health and Territorial Services, efficiency and social valorisation, Publiedit Editions, 2017 ISBN: 978-88-95425-09-2
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