Assessing the Operational Relationships within the Supply Chain Management: Case Study at Koforidua Central Hospital, Eastern Region.


Thomas Akrofi , Angela Opare Kumea , Ofori Samuel , Portia Donkor ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 60-72 | Views: 338 | Downloads: 93 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466162

Volume 5 - October 2016 (10)


The modern approach to purchasing is to create a common objective that enables a climate of mutual cooperation and assistance in which both parties win. This study was to assess the operational relationships within the supply chain management in the health sector. A sample size of 40 was chosen and it consists of personnel from the finance, stores, procurement, quality control and administration of Koforidua Central Hospital. Questionnaire and interview were employed in the data collection. The study revealed that the type of buyer supplier relationship that exists in Koforidua Central Hospital is that of a collaborative relationship but supply chain activities of the various facilities does not integrate. It was also evident that the organization experiences stock redundancy and the reason behind the stock redundancy is lack of data on consumption. It is therefore recommended that, the organization should integrate the entire internal department and should also involve suppliers at the early stage of planning, designing so that the right specification can be obtained. With this the management can use two stage tendering as it procurement method. Spot check should be used in stock taking to identify the loopholes in stock and also use stock monitoring systems to help curb stock redundancy in the organization. 


Operational; Relationships; Supply Chain Management; Koforidua Central Hospital; Ghana.


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