Impact of Layoff on Survivors Productivity: A New Peril Stigma and Workforce Diversity Implication.
Ali Hasan , Syed Muhammad Maaz, , Usman Khadam Malik , Shahan Mehmood Cheema , TalhaMujahid Butt ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 115-122 | Views: 709 | Downloads: 143 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466172
The key objective of this research study is to examine the relationship between layoff with survivor’s ‘productivity, in particular situation as stigma peril (psychological form) is formed between workers, when layoff judgments are made on biasness. Earlier Research studies demonstrate to layoff has an unenthusiastic effect on survivor’s productivity; though, presently is no reasonable justification of effect of layoff judgments which are made on the base of discrimination on employees who are survivors’ productivity. Such biasness generate a psychological state identified peril stigma which is elaborated the same like sensitivity or threat in the psyche of persons. Consequently, the reason of this research to make known and give suitable justification of connection between threat peril stigma, which is formed as a result of unfairness in layoff judgments and survivor’s productivity. Methodology e research is quantitative and main strategy is survey. Questionnaire was disseminated to the staff of telecom industry. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS 20. The results proposed that there is unenthusiastic association among layoff judgments formed due to any biasness and survivors for the reason that threat stigma peril generates unenthusiastic belongings. Danger Stigma peril may possibly be forbidden all the way through balanced layoff judgments. Future study possibly will be execute on the combined belongings of further kinds of Threats ,psychological stigmas in conditions of various other variables for instance further kinds of unfairness similar to caste, obesity ,age, race, mental sickness and sex, which are fundamental to the functioning of the survivors productivity
survivor productivity, Diversity implication, layoff, peril stigma
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