Effect of Corporate Governance on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc, Enugu State.


Ozuomba, Chidinma, Nwamaka , Onyemaechi Uchenna , Nwagbuo Sixtus , Ikpeazu Nkechi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-21 | Views: 327 | Downloads: 94 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466192

Volume 5 - November 2016 (11)


This work investigated the effect of corporate governance on organizational performance. The decline in performance of workers in Nigeria Brewery plc Enugu State made this study important. The specific objective of this research were to: determine the extent to which corporate governance increased organization commitment, find out how effective communication between top management and subordinates affect increase in productivity, find out the extent to which employees are involved in the board meeting of the organization. To achieve this objectives a survey research design was employed and complemented by secondary research design. The techniques adopted in analyzing the data were regression analysis. The result indicated that corporate governance has significant effect on organizational commitment (R = 0.324, R2 = 0.105 and a Pvalue of 0.000) It was found that effective communication between top management and subordinates had no significant effect on increase in productivity of Nigeria brewery plc, Enugu state (R = 0.040, R2 = 0.002 and a p-value of 0.505). It was also revealed that employee involvement in board meeting has significant relationship on increase in market share. to a large extent in board meeting of the organization (R = 0.259, R2 = 0.067 and a p-value of 0.000). It was concluded that corporate governance has significance effect on organizational performance. It was recommended that management of Nigeria Brewery plc, Enugu State should look deep into their corporate governance practices and restructure how to implement it to ensure continuous improved organizational performance


 corporate governance, organizational performance.


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