Impact Of Transactional & Transformational Leadership Styles On Organizational Commitment -A Case of Private Sector Universities Of Karachi.
Uzma Rasool Khan , Areeba Saeed Khan , Hafiza Wajiha Umber , Kanwal Shan, Student , Hafiza Wajiha Umber , Anum Ahmad ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 100-108 | Views: 365 | Downloads: 116 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466381
In the past few years, number of private universities established in Karachi is increased increasing competition considerably in this sector, consequently the issue of employee commitment is also raised; employees leave organization when better remuneration is offered to them, particularly when they are unsatisfied with the work environment of their organization. Effective leadership is one of the main sources of nurturing organizational commitment. Selecting most appropriate leadership style in an organization is a biggest challenge for the management. The main purpose of this research is to create awareness about transactional and transformational leadership styles and to study their impact on employee commitment in private sector universities of Karachi.Understanding this relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment can help management to choose an appropriate leadership style in different situations to increase employee commitment towards their organization, that will indirectly higher the profit of the organization. This research is an exploratory research andprimary datahas been conducted with 30 respondents. For the data analyses the correlation analysiswas applied. This research paper is an effort to find out which leadership style is more appropriate to enhance the organizational comittment.This research will also serve as a guideline for other researchers in future who want to work on this subject
Transactional leadership style, transformational leadership style, organizational comittment
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