The Effect Of Business Environment And Company Resources On Company Reputation And The Implication To The Performance Of Ferry Companies In Indonesia.
M. Basuki Wibowo , Sucherly , Umi Kaltum , Ernie Tisnawati Sule ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 156-167 | Views: 374 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466399
In a period of more than 10 years, the performance of ferry companies in Indonesia experienced arelatively unstable production growth, both passenger and vehicles transport. The condition is thought to be caused by problems related to reputation, resources and business environment of ferry transport services. The purpose of the research is to examine the influence of business environment and company resources, on company reputation, and the implication to company performance of ferry companies in Indonesia. This study uses Mix Methods Research on the unit of analysis and observation is the management of ferry companies in Indonesia, through a census to the 37 companies. The observation conducted in a cross section / one shot time horizon. Data is verified by using PLS. The findings indicate that company resources play a greater role in enhancing company reputation rather than business environment. Reputation affect company performance. Company resources play a greater role than business environment to improve company performance through the ability to form reputation.
Business Environment, Company Resources, Company Reputation, Company Performance
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