Politicization of Bureaucracy or Bureaucratization of Politics – Discerning Myth from Reality
Download Full PDF Pages: 64-71 | Views: 345 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466200
Bureaucracy is one of the most important pillars of the state, therefore it is important to study the factors that affect its efficiency and efficacy. It is general perception that bureaucracy is excessively politicized in Pakistan. Politicization impacts right from induction of a civil servant to the decision making by mid, senior and high level officials. This political interference negatively impacts the performance of civil service and affects efficient service delivery. Civil service works in close contact with political leadership, therefore there is an inherent potential for political masters to influence the decision making by bureaucrats. The study explores the factors that adversely affect the efficient working of bureaucracy and results in poor service delivery. Both primary and secondary data was used in the study. Primary data was collected through survey. A survey was conducted from amongst the senior officers of the Government of AJK depicts that the politicization is an irrefutable reality in the civil service. The study concludes that lack of job security and politically motivated decisions of recruitment, transfers and promotions, adversely affect the efficient working of bureaucracy and results in poor service delivery. This study recommends that situation can be improved by improving pay package and other perks of the government servants, establishment of independent Public Service Commission and empowering the Services Tribunal to monitor postings and transfers, and review civil servants’ complaints about arbitrary transfers; and ensuring job security through constitutional measures.
Bureaucracy, Politicization, postings & Transfer, performance
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