The Impact of the Organizational Climate in Enhancing Creative Behavior.
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This study aimed to identify the impact of organizational climate on workers creative behavior at Jordanian pharmaceutical industry, through the identification of trends in the study sample of organizational climate dimensions, and workers creative behavior. And to identify the possibility of the existence of a statistical significant difference in their attitudes as it relates to organizational climate, which can be attributed to the variables of gender, age, academic qualification, experience, and job level. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire for the detection of the dimensions of (responsibility, team commitment, rewards, flexibility, and goal clarity) and workers creative behavior .To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire for exploring organizational climate dimensions (flexibility, responsibility, goals clarity, team commitment and rewards) and the level of workers creative behavior. The study sample consisted of (445 ) employees and managers in pharmaceutical industrial organizations. Sample was selected randomly, and in light of this, data was collected and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The research most important findings and conclusions are:
1- The arithmetic mean of the estimates of workers in the pharmaceutical industrial organizations towards organizational climate dimensions and workers creative behavior were moderate.
2- The arithmetic mean of the estimates of workers towards organizational climate dimensions were moderate, and on the following order of importance (responsibility, team commitment, rewards, flexibility, and goal clarity).
3- There is a statistically significant impact of organizational climate dimensions in employees creative behavior at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) in pharmaceutical industrial organizations.
4- There were no statistical significant differences between the estimates averages of members of study sample on organizational climate the due to variables (gender, age, academic qualification, experience, and job level.).
Organizational climate, Creative behavior, Pharmaceutical industry organizations
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