Freedom of Religion and Status of Religious Minorities in Pakistan.


Iffat Tahira , Huma Tahir ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 29-39 | Views: 360 | Downloads: 118 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466447

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


On world media the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been reported most in the recent past regarding the news relating slow moving peace process and discrimination with religious minorities. They are facing problems regarding the protection of their rights and policies formulated for them but did not implement in right way. Majority of the population is based upon Muslims but numbers of non-Muslims are also the citizens of Pakistan. Constitution of Pakistan guarantees of equal rights for all citizens regardless of their religion, race, language, gender and area. The research explores the worth of minorities by ideology of Pakistan. It discusses the proportion of minorities in Pakistan and their issues. It attempts to diagnose the hindrances in the way of religious minorities and factors associated with them. It elaborates the amendments and policies for protection of their rights passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan whether they are applied in real sense or not. To what extent, Religious minorities in Pakistan enjoy the freedom to put into practice their religion and follow their cultural traditions and customs


Freedom, Constitution, Amendments, Issues, Government, Acts, Practice


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  17. Dilawari, Sikha. Searching for Security: The Rising Marginalization of Religious Communities in Pakistan, Minority Rights Group International.
  18. Rahman, Tariq. Pakistan's policies and practices towards the religious minorities, South Asian History and Culture, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2012, 302–315, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group,
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  29. Rahman, Tariq. Pakistan's policies and practices towards the religious minorities, South Asian History and Culture, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2012, 302–315, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group,
  30. Ibid.
  32. Rahman, Tariq. Pakistan's policies and practices towards the religious minorities, South Asian History and Culture, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2012, 302–315, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group,
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  35. Dilawari, Sikha. Searching for Security: The Rising Marginalization of Religious Communities in Pakistan, Minority Rights Group International.
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  41. Dilawari, Sikha. Searching for Security: The Rising Marginalization of Religious Communities in Pakistan, Minority Rights Group International
  42. Ibid.
  43. Faruqi, Mariam. (2011) A Question of Faith: A Report on the Status of Religious Minorities in Pakistan, Islamabad: Jinnah Institute Research.
  44. Pak Institute for Peace Studies. (2014) Minority Rights in Pakistan:Historic Neglect or State Comlicity? Pak Institute for Peace Studies)
  45. Abdul Majid. (2014) Religious Minorities in Pakistan ( pdf.
  46. Pak Institute for Peace Studies. (2014) Minority Rights in Pakistan:Historic Neglect or State Complicity? Pak Institute for Peace Studies.
  47. Rahman, Tariq. Pakistan's policies and practices towards the religious minorities, South Asian History and Culture, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2012, 302–315, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group,
  48. Pak Institute for Peace Studies. (2014) Minority Rights in Pakistan:Historic Neglect or State Comlicity? Pak Institute for Peace Studies.
  49. Faruqi, Mariam. (2011) A Question of Faith: A Report on the Status of Religious Minorities in Pakistan, Islamabad: Jinnah Institute Research.
  50. Dilawari, Sikha. Searching for Security: The Rising Marginalization of Religious Communities in Pakistan, Minority Rights Group International.
  51. Pak Institute for Peace Studies. (2014) Minority Rights in Pakistan:Historic Neglect or State Complicity? Pak Institute for Peace Studies)
  52. Faruqi, Mariam. (2011) A Question of Faith: A Report on the Status of Religious Minorities in Pakistan, Islamabad: Jinnah Institute Research.
  53. Pak Institute for Peace Studies. (2014) Minority Rights in Pakistan:Historic Neglect or State Complicity? Pak Institute for Peace Studies
  54. Khan, Hamid. (2009) Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan, 2nd ed. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 398.
  55. Dilawari, Sikha. Searching for Security: The Rising Marginalization of Religious Communities in Pakistan, Minority Rights Group International.
  56. Rahman, Tariq. Pakistan's policies and practices towards the religious minorities, South Asian History and Culture, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2012, 302–315, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group,
  57. Ibid.
  58. Faruqi, Mariam. (2011) A Question of Faith: A Report on the Status of Religious Minorities in Pakistan, Islamabad: Jinnah Institute Research.

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