Factors Influencing the Consumer’s Attitude towards Store Brands.
Adeel Ahmed Ali , Raheel Hayat ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 50-60 | Views: 383 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466465
The purpose study is to investigate the factors influencing on consumer’s attitude towards store brands in retail store industry of Pakistan. This research includes the following variables such as market mavenism, perceived risk, store image and valve consciousness is the independent variables and the attitude towards store brands is the dependent variable. Service quality is the antecedent of store image. 350 survey questionnaires were randomly distributed to customers of some large retail stores in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. 347 questionnaires were responded correctly by respondents. The data has collected from the retail stores who purchase the store brands. The findings of this research show that the study focuses on the formation of attitude of customer and the factors of influencing on the attitude. The major contribution of the study is factor of market mavenism on the attitude which is a new concept which define as the market maven are those individuals having information of different kinds of products, place and other characteristics of market. The term market mavenism includes particular knowledge customer experience and expertise about product and market.
Market Mavenism, Perceived risk, Store Image, Value Consciousness, Attitude towards store brands
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