The Effects of Motivation on Employee Performance: A Strategic Human Resource Management Approach.


Abdul Amid Aziz Jalloh , Alhaji Umaru Jalloh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 81-96 | Views: 395 | Downloads: 108 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466506

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


Motivation has been established to be a critical sensation in the operations of today’s small scale, large scale enterprises and multinational companies and its elements constitutes strength towards the achievement of organisations’ strategic objectives in competitive environments. This study seeks to unravel the effects of motivation on employee performance, with a strategic human resource management approach. The fortitude for this research led to the retrieval of information from secondary sources published on the subject matter, and reviewed literature revealed the significance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The careful examination of the content and process theories of motivation established actualities, and further facts described the impact of performance management on firms’ growth and the role of strategic human resource management in enhancing high quality performance through a motivated workforce. The available reviewed sources established that appropriate motivation mechanisms has positive effects on employees performance and helps to retain high quality employees firms desire for competitive advantage. The relevance of this study could aid practising managers, heads of private and public institutions and also human resource management practitioners.


Motivation, Employee Performance, Strategic Human Resource Management, Competitive Advantage


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