Gender Discrimination at Work Place: A Case Study on Education Sector of Pakistan.
Rabia Mian , Muqqadas Rehman , Chaudhry Abdul Rehman ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 104-113 | Views: 366 | Downloads: 96 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466538
The paper explores the existence of the gender discrimination at work place in education sector of Pakistan and how work place environment effects the gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is a fact of our culture but it’s varying from society to society in Pakistan. To determine the factor of the gender discrimination, semi structured interview has been used for data collection. Nvivo software has been used to transcribe the data and identify the themes through thematic analysis. However, results indicated that politics found in every department of the organizations whether it’s public or private but did not find more discrimination. It’s found up to some extent in the education sector. Basically this study indicated that in this globalization era women are not discriminated at work places.
gender discrimination, work place, culture.
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