Impact of Company Branding On Consumer Product Preference in Automobile Industry An Empirical Study of Pakistan.
Rizwan Fareed , Muhammad Bilal Tariq , Rabia Mian , Naeem Ud din , Miss Sehrish khan , Zain Ameen Sheikh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 122-143 | Views: 435 | Downloads: 108 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466555
This research study is based on the impact of company branding on consumers product preferences in automobile industry an empirical study of Pakistan. In this study five dimensions of company branding as Company name, Company image, Company reputation, Company loyalty and Company social responsibility were used. We made the hypothesis that all these dimensions have significant impact on consumer’s product preference and we support these hypotheses through review of literature. For data collection we divide the Lahore city into nine strata and divide the questionnaires in offices and banks of each division. For analysis of the data we used co- relation and then regression analysis between dimensions of company branding with dependent variable of consumer product preference. After analysis we find that the three dimensions named as Company name, Company image and Company social responsibility has significant impact on dependent variable of Consumer product preference while the rest of dimensions Company reputation and Company loyalty do not have significant impact on Consumers product preference. The overall model demonstrates that company branding has significant impact on consumer product preference in automobile industry of Pakistan.
Company Branding, Company Name, Company Image, Company reputation, Company Loyalty, Company Social Responsibility, and Consumer Product Preference.
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