Application of Linear Programming for Profit Maximization: A Case of Paints Company, Pakistan.


Zaman Haider , Muhammad Bilal Tariq , Naeem Ud din , Miss Sehrish khan , Rizwan Fareed , Syed Usman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 144-151 | Views: 354 | Downloads: 104 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466557

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


The purpose of the study is to highlight the effectiveness of linear programming in determination of optimal combination of various products that an organization produces to maximize contribution. For this purpose, data for the month of July 2016 of a paint company in Pakistan has been obtained for one of the main products “Plastic Emulsion” that is produced in three different sizes (quarter, gallon and drummy). The simplex method is used to determine the optimal mix of these sizes to be produced to maximize contribution. The results show that the company can earn maximum contribution by only investing its resources (raw material) in the production of gallon and producing 444 units of it thus generating contribution Rs. 162038. This study will recognize the this company and also to the other manufacturing companies, particularly in Pakistan, with the effectiveness of linear programming for making decisions about optimal combination of products to be produced to obtain maximum return. 


linear programming, paint company, Pakistan


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