Relationship Marketing And Value Creation To Improve The Customer Satisfaction.
Giuseppe Granata , Antonio De Filippo , Ylenia Cavacece ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 166-171 | Views: 368 | Downloads: 125 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468673
The Enterprise shall be considered as a potentially open and contextualized system, which its survival derives from interchanges of external relationships. Nonetheless, the rational dimension is the key point to maintain a high level of competitiveness. The number of relation and interdependence with third parties is even more increasing, such that it seems to create a dissolution of enterprise‟s borders and it leads us to redefine which kinds of interconnections are external and internal of itself. By reaching its interests, the enterprise is constantly reclaimed to manage social dimension relationships, which is a phenomenon that leads not to just economic objectives, but it is based on the value redistribution to the society and to the needs‟ satisfaction of stakeholders. Social groups, which the enterprise wants to maintain relations with, that are stakeholders, represent strengths able to influence evolutional dynamics through the exercise‟s pressures, expectation and opportunities. At the same time, they are influenced by enterprises‟ activities receiving back from it expectations and resources. The development of the relational strategy to stakeholders is a fundamental aspect of the enterprise‟s activity. However, it has been a neglected aspect for long time in many enterprises in our territory, but it is recently meeting a new rush. This is realised through a continuous selection process and valuation of relevant entities relations, from which they create pressures and expectation to satisfy as a priority. In this way, the enterprise is obligated to tune into multiplied and different interests, which can change and evolve, increasing the interdependence between the enterprises‟ activities and the one made from its social partners. The attention and the personalisation, or „‟customisation‟‟, needed to manage different stakeholders, such different to create a new marketing version of the enterprise, defined as „‟ co-creation value‟‟. In this contest, the quality of communication that the enterprise turns to the external environment becomes a fundamental and essential asset. This, combined with the new ICT technologies, has improved the creation of CRM (customer relationship management), which has induced firms in dealing with a radical change of the concept of marketing, such that it paved the way for the „‟one-to-one‟‟ model.
Relationship value, Customer value, Customer Relationship Management, Customer satisfation
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