Our State of Preparedness in Case of Natural Calamities and Disaster.
Dr. Qudsia Batool , Muhammad Ahsen , Dr. Iqbal Saif , Dr. M.A Sajid ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 186-199 | Views: 359 | Downloads: 104 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468681
Azad Jammu & Kashmir is vulnerable to natural hazards which mainly include earthquakes and floods, the state faced a series of natural disasters in last decades. AJ&K receives a substantial amount of rainfall resulting in floods, landslides and avalanches due to heavy snow fall as well. Floods and flash floods to, reiterate are a common features in this post. SDMA is in the process to forestall and manage the same. The aim of the study is to analyze the efficacy of disaster management in state of preparedness in case of natural calamity. The challenges being faced by state disaster management authority in implementation. The study used the Earthquake 2005 and Flood 2014 as a case study to explore the overall scenario of pre and post disaster management of AJ&K. The research is qualitative and exploratory in nature. The data was collected from NDMA, SDMA websites, UN reports etc. The findings shows that institutional incapacities, lack of information, contingency planning, warning and evacuation, risk assessment/prevention as hazard mapping, Hazard and vulnerability assessment, structural and non-structural measures and speedy response are the challenges faced by disaster management in AJ&K.
Disasters, Preparedness, Mitigation, Vulnerability, Hazards
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