Impact Of People Equity On Sme Performance: Evidence From Garment Sector Of Pakistan.


Shabeeb Ahmad Gill , Majid Murad , Syed Afraz Gillani ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 244-250 | Views: 348 | Downloads: 104 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468691

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


— this study explains the impact of People Equity (PE) on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) performance. This is a neglected area of research in the literature. This study talks about strategic human resource management practices (SHRM) functions leading to firm performance. Small and medium SMEs are spread all over Pakistan with a significant concentration in all provinces i.e. Punjab (65.4%). The share of Baluchistan in the country’s (SME) sector happens to be the smallest (2.3%) Sindh and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa are 18% and 14.3%, respectively. This research article seeks to contribute to add some valuable results in already existing body of knowledge by investigating the impact of High Align Workforce, High Capable Workforce and High Engage Workforce on Firm Performance in developing country like Pakistan. Since no workable data relating this topic were available, so the researcher thought to apply a quantitative investigation. Therefore, the researcher used causal and correlational research design because he wants to describe the importance of this topic for the prosperity of industry as well as the body of knowledge. Particularly this empirical investigation has been conducted on a sample of 50 SMEs with some of 140 respondents. Results describe that the implementation of People Equity is positively related to SME performance. This study has been focused especially on garment sector just too prostate the significance of this sector in the economy of Pakistan. It is a cross-sectional study due to some financial and time resources but next study could be designed as a longitudinal study


SME; firm performance;people equity; high align workforce; high capable workforce; high engage workforce; strategic human resource management;garment;Pakistan


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