Measuring Employees’ Job Satisfaction as Moderated by Cultural Dimension Power Distance in Public and Private Sectors’ Pakistani Organizations.
Saqib Yaqoob Malik , Dr. Anwar Fazil Chishti , Saqib Shahzad ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 221-243 | Views: 355 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468689
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether different facets of job satisfaction exist and if yes, then their existence determine employees’ total job satisfaction in Pakistani public and private sector organizations, and whether cultural dimension Power distance moderates between ‘job satisfaction facets’ and ‘total job satisfaction’. From one perspective, findings of the current study support all nine hypotheses that claim nine facets of job satisfaction determine overall job satisfaction. But on other hand findings of current study do not support that power distance moderates relationship between job satisfaction facets and employees overall job satisfaction.Management of organizations, whether public or private sector, should take note of the fact that almost all nine facets of job satisfaction have been found statistically significant factors of determining of job satisfaction among employees; hence these factors should be considered and used as primary movers for motivating employees for hard work, greater productivity and improved efficiency.
Employee’s Job Satisfaction, Facets of Employees’ Job Satisfaction, Effect of Cultural Dimension, Power Distance
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