Assessing the Impact of Training Design and Development on Employees’ Performance Insurance Sector in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Dr. Divya Rana ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 251-260 | Views: 392 | Downloads: 103 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468693

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


The focus of the study is to examine the impact of Training design and Training & Development practices on employees’ performance of insurance sector in Kingdom Saudi Arabia. The study conforms to both quantitative and qualitative research. The study in hand provides brief overview of the literature about training effectiveness and how it contributes in enhancing the employee performance and lastly concludes along with recommendation to give directions for future research by applying different level of analysis on exploring the impact of training practices on employees’ performance. This study shows that the training program, design and implementation must be planned and systematic approach, towards enhancing performance and productivity It has been observed that most organization meet their tanning needs, then design training activities in a rational manner and finally assess the results of training. The study concludes that if organizations invest in right type of employees’ training it can enhance employee performance as well as competencies and skills. In addition, training design as a useful means in job involvement, delivery styles, organization commitment, quality services and importantly most it plays a key role to enhance employees’ performance. 


Training Design, Development, Employees’ Performance, Job Involvement, and Organization commitment. 


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