Let select a Business School: Factors that Affect Student’s Selection of a Business School
Dr. Shahzad Khurram , Aansa Noreen , Bilal Hafeez , Misbah Shamoon ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 278-288 | Views: 385 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468713
In a student’s life the choice of the institution which he or she is going to attend after F.sc/ A. levels is of critical nature. A lot of factors influence this choice made by the students, these may include perceptions of universities, colleges and student life therein, which students generally develop early on in their life. Every student wants to enroll in a university of good ranking and popularity, which can help his/her attain his/her, future goals. The study in hand illustrates the factors that attract students in the business department of different universities.
Business School, Factors that Affect, Student’s Selection
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