Analysis of Influence of Personality Factors on Entrepreneur Intentions among Students


Soomro Raheem Bux , Dr.Faheem Ghazanfar , Dr. Irfan Ali- ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 289-301 | Views: 412 | Downloads: 115 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468717

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


To foster an entrepreneurial spirit among uneducated and educated youth is the only solution of everincreasing unemployment among youth. This study was intended to investigate the relationship between BigFive Personality, demographic factors (as gender and family background) and entrepreneurship intention among university students. This study shows that university students’ extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness are very useful in understanding entrepreneurial intention among students. The sample of this study comprised of 230 final year students from two large departments of Shah Abdul Latif University (SALU), Khairpur, Pakistan. Participation in this study was on a voluntary basis. Results show among the big five personality factors, Conscientiousness (38%) is the strongest predictor than other predictor variables. This study indicates that only two demographic variables, i.e., gender and family background, where males are more inclined than females towards entrepreneurship. There is no support found to show the influence of family background on entrepreneurial intentions among students. Since entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial attitude are not totally inborn and education can refine them. Therefore, it is suggested that the universities can provide complete entrepreneurial education, and allow university students to have the opportunity to learn organizations of firms, market analysis, product development, fund raising and corporate operation before they enter the society.


Entrepreneurship education; inclination towards entrepreneurship; demographic characteristics; family business background; university graduates. 


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