Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Microfinance Banks of Pakistan
Dr. Irfan Ali- , Turab Ali Shah , Dr. Rukhsana Gul Gilal ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 302-310 | Views: 376 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468719
The leading indicator of loyalty and repurchase intention is customer satisfaction. This study is focused on identification of basic factors or areas which determine the customer satisfaction in microfinance banking industry. Data was collected through a standard questionnaire from 149 customers of 30 branches of 3 major microfinance banks. SPSS 16 was used for data analysis. Results concluded that microfinance banks policies and procedures, the physical appearance of the bank branch, empathy and commitment of staff with the customers are major factors which determine the customer satisfaction in microfinance banks.
Customer satisfaction, Microfinance, Banking industry, Pakistan.
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