Practical Useful Techniques for Performing Strategic Internal Status Analysis.


H. Butuner ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 23-30 | Views: 385 | Downloads: 115 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468730

Volume 6 - January 2017 (01)


The purpose of this paper is helping businesses to answer the questions of “where are we?” in a practical and beneficial way. Internal status analysis begins with a short history of the business and lays down the policies followed and performances demonstrated by the business during recent years within the framework of its mission, and assesses its conformity to overall goals, target groups and general strategies, etc. This requires a comprehensive internal comparison analysis. While an internal status analysis is performed within the business, the past performance of business is evaluated as well as its strengths and weaknesses are put forth. The purpose is to identify the potential of the business by taking into consideration its existing and past performances and problems. In short, this paper helps businesses to identify and evaluate their strategic internal factors by offering them totally a new practical and effective analysis technique


internal analysis, status analysis, strategy, strengths, SWOT, weaknesses


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