Conflict Management and Employee Turnover in Selected Private Universities in Anambra State.


Ebele M Onwuka , AJIKE, Emmanuel O , Oforegbu Chinenye , Ezeanyim Ekene ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 58-69 | Views: 382 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468736

Volume 6 - January 2017 (01)


The study examined conflict management and its influence on employee turnover. The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between conflict, management and employee turnover. The study employed descriptive survey design to generate data which were analyzed using product moment correlation coefficient, which establish the extent of correlation between two variables. Subject for the study were one hundred and eighty two. It was discovered that conflict management has a positive influence on employee turnover. Locating the core conflict helps management to seek for resolutions that work and management should concentrate on developing innovative, structural and procedural changes that encourage communications and a broad corporate focus. 


Conflict Management, Employee Turnover, Management, Resolutions and Innovatives 


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