Succession Management and Organizational Survival in Selected Transportation Companies in Ontisha, Nigeria.


Onwuka, Ebele Mary Ph.D , AJIKE, Emmanuel O , Ezeanyim Ekene , Ekwulugo Stella Onyinye ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 70-83 | Views: 342 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468738

Volume 6 - January 2017 (01)


Inefficiency in succession management; lack of planning, poor staff mentoring and incompetent employees are major problems faced by transportation companies in Onitsha. The broad objective examined the relationship between succession management and organizational survival in some selected transportations companies in Onitsha. One research question and one hypothesis in line with the specific objective were employed. It employed descriptive research design, primary and secondary source of data are the major instrument used for the study. Descriptive statistical tool was used to analyze the data. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was computed to test the hypothesis. The findings revealed that mentoring has positive relationship with business continuity. Based on the finding, it is paramount for mentoring to be encouraged in the organization because it gives opportunities to develop competent, capable and productive employees who will enhance organizations growth even after the incapacitation or demise of the key stakeholder


Succession Management, Organizational Survival, Transportation, Ontisha, Nigeria


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