Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth Communication on New Product Adoption in Cell-Phones
Dr. Irfan Ali- , Mohammad Asif Channa , Mohammad Ali Brohi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 122-128 | Views: 378 | Downloads: 115 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468754
This study aimed at to investigate the impact of electronic word of mouth communication on new product adoption; three social network sites (Facebook, twitter, and linkldn) were chosen to find out their contributions in new product adoption. The targeted sample of this study was students. Total sample size for this study was 200 (n=200) respondents of Shah Abdul Latif University main campus, Shikarpur campus, Sukkur IBA, and SZABIST Larkana. Regression analysis technique was performed to analyze the data. The Results revealed that there is the significant Positive impact of electronic word of mouth communication on new product adoption.
Word of Mouth Communication, New Product Adoption, Electronic Word of Mouth Communication, Social Network Sites
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