Income Disparity and Family Health Outcomes in the FCT: Implication for Economic Growth in Nigeria. (1985-2015)


Oladele Aluko , Winifred O. Aluko ,

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Volume 6 - February 2017 (02)


The study examines Income Disparity and Health Outcome in Nigeria and the Implication for Economic Growth, with the Case study of the FCT. It further analyses the determinants of health outcomes between the high and the low income families in Nigeria society and the impact on Economic growth. With the use of panel data, the study engaged the one-way error component panel modelling technique as its methodology, with the outcome showing the existence of a correlation between income inequality and mortality rates across income quintiles while child mortality was found to impact negatively on growth through a decline in the level of individual income. Thus, infant and under-five mortality rates are about 2.5 times higher among the poorest 20 per cent of the population than among the richest 20 per cent, The implication is that poverty and income inequality have contributed to, as well as reinforced, the poor health conditions of most Nigerians and further curtailed their capacity to access health services. 


Health outcomes, Mortality, Incomes differentials, Productivity, Growth 


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