Business Process Improvement Practices: Does Human Resource Management really changed by implementing BPI principles in multi-national organization
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this study aims to present recent research and development in the field of Business process Improvement (BPI) and in the Human Resource Management processes across the multinational organization around the globe. The basic and fundamental purpose of this study is to explore important yet unexplored matters of Human Resource Management practices in MCB Bank, Pakistan. Literature provides the strong evidence to lay a platform which provides the most authenticated and authorized practices that have been adopted by successful organizations. Traditional BPI methodologies have been used by several manufacturing and service industries in order to make their business processes successful than before. Strategic HRM has significantly changed the way of organizations deal with their human capital by adopting such processes which could increase the process efficiency, employee job satisfaction and give a comprehensive structure for HR department Over the years, it has been accepted by all goal-oriented organizations, to have the best human capital or HR, they must have structured process improvement strategies to be implemented. Business Process Improvement Strategies aligned with strategic objectives provide a strong platform for organizations to deal in the best way regarding HR activities. This study specifically explores the alignment issues of strategies in the HR process of a well-known Bank. Both interviews and survey of managers, employees provide a strong insight of the problem covering the effectiveness issues of Recruitment/Selection process and performance measurements of the employees. Moreover, Simulation using Arena has been done to analyze the model in a broader perspective. Statistical verification through Paired-T-test further validates the significance of model having two different plans. Results of these two plans explore the benefits of applying BPI .It is clearly shown that the lack of implementation of process improvement techniques leads to poor performance and effectiveness as a whole.
Human Resource Management, Business Process improvement, Process Effectiveness, Process Efficiency, Process Analysis
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