Restructuring 0f Municipalities and its Impact on Human Resources Staffing, Training & Development Strategies, an Applied Study in Greater Irbid Municipality, Jordan
Faraj Harahsheh , Dr. Mohammad Salameh Almahaireh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 73-87 | Views: 372 | Downloads: 120 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468906
The purpose of this paper is to identify restructuring of municipalities and its Impact on human resources staffing, training & development strategies, An Applied Study In Greater Irbid Municipality. The importance of the study comes from the importance of municipalities, and the staffing process (recruiting, selection. appointment) & training and development in raising the efficiency of workers. Greater Irbid Municipality was chosen for this study; the sample was (85) persons distributed for (municipality president, a member of the municipal council, department managers, and regions managers) (78) returned, (3) disposed of, (75) analyzed (88%). The study applied certain statistical techniques such as Cronbaeh Alpha, Simple Regression, ANOVA, Percentage, Mean and standard deviation.
Restructuring of Municipalities, Human Resources, Staffing, Training, Development, Strategies.
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