Affects of Product, Trust, Price and Customer Satisfaction in E-commerce Environment


Maqsood Memon , Nizamuddin Channa , Intzar Ali Lashari ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 139-151 | Views: 346 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470565

Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


The exponentially development of the Internet, World Wide Web, and Electronic Commerce has altered the innovative techniques of selling and marketing about services and products. At the same time as consequences of improvement and the evolution of the electronic information assets of product and service sellers and service providers face countless novel challenges. In this research researchers have discovered major ingredients related to Product, Trust, Price and customer satisfaction in E-commerce Environment and recommended conceptual framework with the support of relationship of dependent and independents variable. Moreover Research has found that peoples who have more trust in electronic commerce they mostly involve themselves in e-commerce. In this paper researcher has collect data through questionnaire from more than 300 users and analyze data with the help of SPSS software.


Product, price, service, website quality, Customer satisfaction and trust. 


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