Technology and Labour Market in the European Union
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Nowadays, the digital economy represents the main engine of innovation, competitiveness and growth potential at European level, being a real opportunity for entrepreneurs and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The faster a company embraces technology, the more successful it can become. Technology dominates the present times more and more, preparing new and challenging horizons, leading the world to a new dimension, improving our lives in all the possible ways. Technology holds a real challenge for the labour market which, on the one hand, should adapt to the new pace imposed by computers and smart devices. On the other hand, there is an increasing and stringent demand of highly qualified personnel to get further the current “tech revolution”. In this context, it is interesting to study how the EU Member States have developed their infrastructure, education and which is the status of labour market in IT&C, using a cluster analysis applied on 2014 data obtained from Eurostat.
cluster analysis, labour market, technology, innovation
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