Impact of HRM Practices on Job Satisfaction, Evidence from Private Universities of Pakistan


Sohail Anwar , Talha Mujahid Butt , Umair Tufail ,

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Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


Human Resource Management includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the right job at right time, orienting and training them. This study is related to the impact of the HRM practices on the employee job satisfaction. In the private sector universities, employees are not satisfied with their jobs even in the presence of the HRM practices. For this study simple random sampling is used and the limitations of our study are the private sector universities. A questionnaire has been used to collect primary data based on structured questions. Results shows that the HRM practices (Recruitment and Selection, Compensation and Pay Package, Training and Development, Rewards and Motivation) have more significant effects on employees’ job satisfaction in comparison of Working Environment. Further research may be done to achieve high level of job satisfaction. 


HRM, Recruitment, Selection, Environment, Training, Development, Compensation, Pay Package, Private Universities 


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