Investigate The Improvement In Organizational Performance Through Soft Element Of Total Quality Management
Muhammad Ahmed , Muhammad Badar ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 57-66 | Views: 328 | Downloads: 99 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468939
The aim of study is to construct a model by focusing the effect of Soft TQM elements on the Performance of an organization. The focus would be to construct a model which relates the Soft TQM elements and organizational performance. The responses of Top management, executives and workers will be received using selfadministered questionnaire and online surveys through Google Drive. The responses shall help to compute Soft TQM and Performance through their dimensions. Soft TQM enhances the performance of an organization. This research work shall help Managers, employees, policy makers, quality trainers for improving quality perspectives and identification of Soft TQM importance for increasing performance.
Organizational performance, Soft TQM, TQM
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