Performance efficiency of Commercial Bank after Privatization: A Case Study of MCB, UBL and ABL


Faiz Sheikh , Farhan Zeb Khaskhely , Dr.NajmaShaikh ,

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Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


The current research investigates Performance efficiency of Commercial Bank after Privatization: A Case Study of MCB, UBL and ABL.Data were collected from Primary as well as secondary sources from management of commercial banks and from SBP officials comprising middle and top management, a closed ended questionnaire containing twenty five key areas was developed and results were analyzed as under. It was revealed that ratio represents relationship between operational expenses with respect to operational income which is instable due to global financial crisis, cost on deposits significantly increased as banks were compelled to mobilize costly deposits to maintain their books. Otherwise position was very much better in starting period touched to 67 %. It was further revealed that ratio tells about the earnings on assets, which has been affected during the period from 2008 and onward however it was very well performing before sudden shock of global financial crisis. Over all it improved after privatization. This ratio further indicates that assets were deployed in various avenues for short term to generate considerable income so that idle assets could be utilized till restoration of the permanent source of income i.e. advances on which cost was raised by regulator to control flow of the funds in market actually to avert liquidity crisis which was already jacked by injecting the liquidity through reducing the CRR and SLR.


Commercial Bank, Privatization Factor


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