­Impact of Privatization of MCB Bank on Non Performing Loan


Dr.NajmaShaikh , Dr. Albena Mirza , Dr.Munawwar Ali Kartio , Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 93-95 | Views: 357 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3469203

Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


This research investigates the Impact of Privatization of MCB Bank on Non Performing Loan. Data were collected from various secondary sources, ie- SBP Annual reports, MCB Bank annual reports. Data were analyzed by using SPSS-21- version. The results indicates that MCB bank Limited has taken seriously the matter and it seemed that proper follow up for recovery and disposal of bad debts which depicts from the graph but after 2008 it surged again the logic and reason for such heavy accumulation was sudden rise in rate of interst under the directives of central bank to combat the liquidity crisis emerged in the financial market after emergence of global financial crisis which created a panic in public to withdraw their deposits from banking system.


 Impact of Privatization, Non Performing Loan


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