Role Multimedia and information technology for Business Graduates


Ali Raza Memon , Dr.Maria Shaikh , Dr.Aisha Bashir Shah , Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh- ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 127-130 | Views: 371 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3469355

Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


This research investigates the Role Multimedia and information technology for Business Graduates. Data were collected from 100 Business graduates by using simple random technique. Structural Questionnaire was developed for the reliability and validity of Data. Data were analysed by using E-views 7 version. It was revealed that different reuse scenarios have to be taken into account right from the beginning when the content is created. Powerful tools will help to create slightly different versions of the same content for different areas of use with little additional effort but with a maximum of benefit. However much research and development has to be done till this works well enough so that it will get accepted by producers and consumers of RLOs. In the future standards will also cover all for e-learning relevant areas, not only small parts as now, but still will be flexible enough to allow further innovation. It was further revealed that multimedia help the business students in their work productivity.


Multimedia, Information Technology


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