Genetic Algorithm Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN): A Review


Dil Nawaz Hakro , Intzar Ali Lashari , Maryam Bibi , Shauban Ali Solangi , Khalil-ur-Rehman Khoumbati , Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 152-166 | Views: 357 | Downloads: 99 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470631

Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has been remained most demanding field due to its application-specific characteristics. There are various applications for WSN and among them some well-known application parameters are energy consumption and life-span longevity for the sake of routing. Genetic Algorithm is a robust optimization technique and possesses the large-scale computational applications. This paper is an attempt to survey of all operational phases of a WSN namely, quality of service (QoS) in routing, clustering, network coverage and localization as well multiple sinks. Additionally, the paper also discusses Genetic Algorithm applications.


Genetic Algorithm, Wireless, Sensor Networks, (WSN)


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